Business cooperation

A platform focused on different forms of business cooperation

An Israeli manufacturer of high quality organic food production is looking for distribution services agreement23. Juli 2021

An Israeli manufacturer of high quality organic food production is looking for distribution services agreement

An Israeli company manufactures high quality organic food products at competitive prices and is seeking distributors and importers of organic food around the world. Advantages include big experience in manufacturing organic production, newly...
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Looking for a manufacturer of tungsten shielding elements21. Juli 2021

Looking for a manufacturer of tungsten shielding elements

A Swiss intergovernmental organization / research centre is looking for supplier of around 3000 shielding elements made from Tungsten Heavy Alloy (WHA) with low magnetic permeability. The partner sought for a manufacturing agreement will be able...
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A Japanese company is looking for a German partner for its filter cartridge used in manufacturing disinfection deodorisation water17. Juni 2021

A Japanese company is looking for a German partner for its filter cartridge used in manufacturing disinfection deodorisation water

A Japanese company offers patented filter cartridge used in manufacturing hypochlorous acid based disinfection deodorisation water with a bactericidal effect 80 times more efficient than similar products.
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An Israeli manufacturer of high-performance customer-specific robots for the plastic industry is searching for distributers1. Juni 2021

An Israeli manufacturer of high-performance customer-specific robots for the plastic industry is searching for distributers

An Israeli company with 20 years of expertise in developing and delivering quality automated solutions for the plastic industry, mainly in near mold automation is now looking for new customers. Company is considering cooperation through...
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A Japanese software developper is offering its orthodontical medical analysis software for licensing to EU companies20. Januar 2019

A Japanese software developper is offering its orthodontical medical analysis software for licensing to EU companies

A Japanese company specializing in medical analysis software is offering to license out its image diagnosis software for the orthodontics sector. The software allows users to identify the cephalometric points that are used in orthodontic...
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Export to the European UnionType: Business cooperation

Export to the European Union

We offer support and cooperation for production companies, which would like to export their products to the countries of the European Union. If you have an interesting product in your portfolio and you would like to reach new customers within the...
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IT technology for the EUTyp: Business cooperation

IT technology for the EU

We are looking for IT technology producers: software, hardware, and other components, which we can offer to customers within the European Union. If you produce interesting information technology, contact us. Together we can offer your products to...
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Import to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and PolandType: Business cooperation

Import to the Czech Republic, Slovakia, and Poland

Companies of the Czech Republic are looking for interesting business opportunities for the Czech, Slovakian, and Polish market. If you produce interesting products or offer unique services and are seeking a platform for representation in these...
mehr » Internationale BusinessplattformType: Investment, Auswertung: 6-8%, Subject: Internet, business Internationale Businessplattform

Viele Unternehmen beschäftigen sich hauptsächlich mit stabilen und zuverlässigen Lieferanten oder Käufern. Eine einzigartige, internationale Plattform bietet Unternehmen aller Art, Größe und Bereiche einen Raum, in dem sie ihre Lieferanten oder...
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Ein überzeugendes Lebensmittel- und GetränkeetikettType: Investment, Auswertung: 6-8%, Subject: Food industry

Ein überzeugendes Lebensmittel- und Getränkeetikett

Die Lebensmittelbranche kann eine der profitabelsten und aufregendsten sein, wenn jedoch die Marke erfolgreich ist. Das einzigartige Konzept einer guten Lebensmittelmarke, die sich auf Getränke, Snacks und in der nächsten Phase auf ausgewählte...
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Online Lernplattform für Organisationen und EinzelpersonenType: Investment Auswertung: 6-8%, Subject: Education

Online Lernplattform für Organisationen und Einzelpersonen

Professionelle, thematische und berufliche Ausbildung, die kostengünstig, effizient und gut ist. Das ist das Ziel der neuen Online-Plattform im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung. Es richtet sich an Firmen aus allen Branchen und deren Mitarbeiter....
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